Friday, January 18, 2008

Thymotic Urge

Being the initial entry to this blog, I feel there may be a need to explain the title of the blog itself. If you haven't Googled it or looked it up in Wikipedia, Thymos is defined loosely as "spiritedness" as can be thought of as the essential drive behind human activities. It can be a good force in our lives as well as a destructive one. Thymos is what motivates man to elevate themselves to the best that humankind can offer (the soldier who enters into enemy machine gun fire to save his platoon or ; the fireman/policeman who risks his life to help those in peril); as well as the worst (the destructive nature of war, the ugliness of racism). All of these thymotic urges derive their basis in the need for humankind to be recognized as important (for good or for bad).

My plans for this blog are no different than discuss thoughts, observations and other trivialities that cause me to become energized. In many ways blogging is the quintessential method of quenching the thymotic urge - the need to recognized.

I hope you enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to recognize you. Hello! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post again... but you should register your blog on I did and I immediately started getting people making comments on my blog. It's fun!